Émir Shiro Response
As well as creating collages, Shiro has recently shared some quick figurative sketches using pastels on his social media which I find very interesting. They contain the outline of a female body with blocks of colour surrounding it, then general feal is quite minimal and looks like it has been graffitied over like how text books were in high school, this gives it a very rough look as well. I think the placement of the colour blocks makes this image complete, it gives it a collage vibe although not actually being one. I was inspired to try this out by not going into any detail as I normally do and jus focusing on the outline of the body whilst using colour blocks to highlight different parts of the image, I used watercolour in my response as I think that it would look more effective, as I wanted a clean look but pastels often leave a powdered or smudged look to the sketch. In my Responses, one is a direct response using the same image as Émir and the other is completely mine using my own sourced image but using the same style is Shiros sketch.